Domestic Assault

By Results - Criminal Defense


Domestic Assault


Negotiated plea agreement – our Client pled guilty under a Stay of Adjudication, keeping the criminal conviction off their record


Our Client was involved in an argument with a family member that led to police being called and a charge of Domestic Assault.  Naros Law was able to convince our Client that their chemical dependency was the issue that led to the argument in the first place, and helped them connect with the right treatment provider.  The Court saw the steps our Client was making in their life toward sobriety, and agreed to a Stay of Adjudication of the charges against them.  This meant that as long as our Client did not have another criminal charge against them over a certain period of time, the charges would be dismissed and the conviction would not remain on their record.

1st Degree Burglary and Trespassing

By Results - Criminal Defense


1st Degree Burglary and Trespassing


Burglary charge dismissed for lack of evidence, Client pled guilty to Trespassing.


While intoxicated, our Client was given the address of a residence where a party was being held and planned on attending.  Upon arrival of what they thought was the correct address, our Client entered the porch area of the residence through the unlocked screen door and attempted to enter the home.  Unfortunately, our Client had the wrong address, and what started as an honest mistake quickly worsened to the point that our Client was charged with 1st Degree Burglary.  The people living at the home told our Client to leave several times, and due to the level of intoxication and inability to understand that no party was happening at the residence, our Client decided to remain in the porch area and waited there for his friends.  The homeowners contacted police to have our Client removed from their property.  When officers arrived our Client had difficulty understanding why they were there, or they were questioning his presence.  Our Client made several vague statements to the police that led them to the conclusion that he was at the residence to purchase drugs.  Because our Client had entered the property by opening the porch screen door, the police decided that the combination of his breaking and entering and attempted purchase of narcotics warranted a burglary charge against our Client.  While normally this would be a laughable situation, our Client was facing harsh consequences and the Prosecutor was not interested in dismissing the burglary charge.  After a Motion to Dismiss, Naros Law was able to demonstrate to the Court that the burglary charge was inappropriate and not supported by the evidence obtained by the police.  The Court agreed, and our Client later pled guilty to the much lower charge of Trespassing.

Criminal Sexual Conduct – Domestic Assault – Violation of Order for Protection

By Results - Criminal Defense


Criminal Sexual Conduct and Domestic Assault – Violation of an Order for Protection


All charges dismissed.


Our Client and their significant other had been having issues, and a year prior the significant other had obtained an Order for Protection against our Client.  After reconciling, the significant other informed our Client that the Order for Protection was lifted.  However, following an argument the significant other called the police with a laundry list of allegations a mile long, all of which were completely false and unsubstantiated.  When police arrived they found that an active Order for Protection was still in place, and our Client was charged with violating the order.  After exhaustive discussions with the Prosecutor, and providing evidence of the false allegations from the victim, Naros Law was able to have all charges against our Client dismissed.

Domestic Assault – Fleeing Police – etc

By Results - Criminal Defense


Domestic Assault, Fleeing from a Police Officer, Criminal Sexual Conduct, Disorderly Conduct, and Terroristic Threats.


Client pled guilty to disorderly conduct.  All other charges were dismissed.


Our Client was arrested following a false report of domestic assault.  Due to the Client’s immigration status, it was imperative that he not plead guilty to a violent crime or fleeing a police officer.  While the domestic assault charge was quickly dismissed, the Prosecutor maintained their stance that the Client should plead guilty to fleeing.  Naros Law’s diligent work, negotiation with the Prosecutor, and discussion with the Judge, allowed for all parties to come together on a fair result that kept our Client from being deported.  Client pled guilty to the Disorderly Conduct charge, kept his immigration status, and paid a minimal fine.

Assault on Police Officer – Obstructing the Legal Process – Fleeing Police

By Results - Criminal Defense


4th Degree Assault on a Police Officer (felony), Obstructing the Legal Process, and Fleeing a Police Officer


Negotiated Plea Agreement – Client pled guilty to Obstructing the Legal Process, all other charges, including felony Assault on a Police Officer, were dismissed.


While standing outside of a bar our Client was observed by an officer on foot patrol to be very intoxicated.  When our Client reentered the bar, the officer advised him that he needed to go home due to their intoxication.  When our Client refused to leave, the officer asked for identification and soon discovered an active warrant in another state, as well as being on probation.  The officer asked our Client to sit in a squad car until their probation officer could be contacted to determine probation conditions, at which time our Client attempted to flee.  During the altercation the officers received several incidental injuries due to broken glass on the ground in the area.  After reviewing the evidence in this case, Naros Law determined that the officers did not have probable cause to detain or question our Client based on their brief observations of their intoxication.  Naros Law pressed forward with a Motion to Dismiss, and prior to the hearing the Prosecutor agreed to drop the felony charge.  Our Client was convicted of Obstructing the Legal Process, a misdemeanor, and received a minimal fine.

Domestic Assault

By Results - Criminal Defense


Domestic Assault


All charges dismissed.


Our Client was charged with Domestic Assault following an incident with their significant other.  The victim in this incident was not injured, and only incidental minor physical contact occurred during their argument.  After discussing this matter with the Prosecutor, they agreed that our Client should not need to plead guilty to Domestic Assault for what all involved parties and witnesses agreed was an accident.  The Court agreed, and all charges were dismissed.

DUI – Speeding

By Results - Criminal Defense


Driving Under the Influence, Speeding (50 in a 30)


Negotiated plea agreement – Client pled guilty to Careless Driving, all other charges were dismissed.


Our Client was stopped for speeding, taking a fast turn, revving his engine, and quick acceleration.  Police found our Client had a blood alcohol content of 0.11, which is over the legal limit of 0.08.  After an extensive review of the police reports, Naros Law found significant and material issues with the arresting officer’s version of the events, and the procedures used in testing our Client’s blood alcohol content.  Naros Law negotiated with the prosecutor to dropping the driving under the influence charge, and accept a plea of Careless Driving.


By Results - Criminal Defense




All charges dismissed.


Our Client was accosted by an overly aggressive police officer while standing outside of a bar.  The officer, apparently confusing our Client with another patron, berated our Client for returning to the bar despite never being asked to leave in the first place.  Our Client was confused by the officer’s conduct, and when attempting to go back into the bar to remove himself from the situation the officer arrested our Client for Trespassing.  After lengthy discussions with the Prosecutor, they agreed to dismiss all charges against our Client.

Domestic Assault – Disorderly Conduct – Interference with 911 Call

By Results - Criminal Defense


Domestic Assault, Disorderly Conduct and Interference with a 911 Call


Negotiated plea agreement – Client pled guilty to both charges, but was sentenced with a Continuance for Dismissal.


Our Client was charged with Domestic Assault and Interference with a 911 Call following an isolated and one-time incident at the home.  Naros Law convinced the Court that our Client posed no risk for re-offending, posed no risk to the victim, and sought the help of a counselor, and was truly remorseful for what had occurred.  The Judge and Prosecutor agreed that the Client deserved an opportunity to prove they are law-abiding by sentencing both charges under a Continuance for Dismissal.  This means that upon successful completion of probation and all aspects of the sentence against them, our Client’s plea would be dismissed, and a criminal conviction would not remain on their record.  This gave our Client incentive to do everything within their power to make a real change in their life, and to become a better person through counseling and learning from their mistakes.

Obstructing the Legal Process – Assaulting Police Horse – Disorderly Conduct

By Results - Criminal Defense


Obstructing the Legal Process, Assaulting a Police Horse, and Disorderly Conduct.


Negotiated Plea Agreement – All charges continued for dismissal.


After a Vikings game our out-of-towner Client and his friends walked from the Metrodome to a restaurant in downtown, Minneapolis.  A mounted police officer, who positioned himself on a busy sidewalk with high pedestrian traffic, directed his horse in front of Client’s path, causing him to bump into the horse.  A nearby police officer saw the incident and immediately tackled, tazed, and arrest our Client – charging him with a number of crimes that were not supported by the facts.  Naros Law was able to convince the Prosecutor and Judge that the Client should not plead guilty to the charges, and negotiated a compromise where the Court sentenced our Client under a Continuance for Dismissal.  This means that if the Client successfully completes probation and fulfill their sentence without any violation, the charges would be dismissed.  This type of sentence allows people without criminal records and who are not likely to re-offend to prove to the Court that they are able to remain law-abiding.